Thursday, April 28, 2016

Be My Guest - XII

For story until now Go To the END : 

Chapter Twelve - Wanderin' Among The Dead

"Good lad, it's been three days
Since you're here."
His answer startled me.
Oh lord, what am hearing
Is my senses working correctly

Count read my expression
And comforted me,
"Grab hold of your emotions,
Good news is you're alright
That's the only thing that matters."

"What happened?" I asked
With a concern grave voice
He offered me a glass of wine
And sat on the chair
right in front of mine.

"So here's how it happened -
That night you reached the inn
You had still a day and half journey
Left to make it to the castle
But there was storm on your way
Stopping you from moving your steps."
He paused for a while
and spoke again
"It was two days overdue
From the time you were scheduled to reach
So I sent a Chariot
In your honor
For I hoped for your safety
In the mid of mysterious nights
To my surprise the vehicle came empty
For you weren't in the inn.
Thence like a concern host
I set for the journey myself
To look for my guest.
It was snowy storm
And it worried me
Of your survival."

"Where did you find me then?"
I asked with a shaking voice.
"In a graveyard,
But the question is
how you really reached there."
He paused again,
This time a while longer
Before he could start again.

No one knows when you left the inn
And set off for the journey
The inn lady told me
She warned you

I looked everywhere for you
The woods and the caves
Wherever a living soul could be
But suddenly I heard some screams
Coming from a distant graveyard
I rushed my ride to that direction
If not you, another soul must need rescue
But to my amaze
I saw you laying on a grave
and screaming ghastly
Your clothes were torn
You didn't have your luggage with you
You were half naked man
Jus' wandering among the Dead."

I was listening to him
With wide open eyes
After soaking in
Everything he said
I took a moment and asked
"What was I screaming"
"It was mostly gibberish
But one thing I could make out
You were talking to devil.
Am sorry that is all
My old ears could get"
He said and pause to walk towards me
He put his hand on my shoulder
and said

"You should not dig up
what's unknown
It'll keep you restless
And still uncertain.
You're safe now
Only thing that matters
And until you are my guest
And in this castle
No evil can harm you a bit
That's Dracula's promise
To keep."

Until Now in Be My Guest :

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